Ted's cave

Crawlthroughs and projects

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Nullcon HackIM CTF Goa 2025

Writeups for the web challenge Numberizer and the crypto challenge kleinvieh from the Nullcon Goa capture the flag event.

Web Application analysis

In this project we create a data set of different technologies used in 1000 different websites with the goal of identifiying these technologies using machine learning. Follow along as we redefine our problems and reach an unsatisfying but important conclusion.

TryHackMe Cyborg

A box involving encrypted archives, source code analysis and more. Gain user and root access on this machine.

Sentiment analysis part 1

In this project we create, clean and analyze data in reddit comments from scratch, focusing on posts in the r/datascience subreddit. We aim to give quantitative meaning to our text data and analyze the results to see how people in r/datascience feel about jobs and the workplace.

Kioptrix Machine

Gain root access on this vulnerable machine. Enumerate to find the vulnerablilities and then exploit them to pwn the machine. #kali #nessus #nikto #dirbuster #metasploit

Overthewire Bandit

Completing each level grants you the password for the next. Use Linux navigation skills to progress through the levels and solve the many challenges along the way.